Burlington Coat Factory Warning

This shall be a mini-rant against an asinine return policy at a company I used to be really excited about.

I registered for our baby shower at Burlington Coat Factory's Baby Depot after being impressed with both their selection and their prices. I found my stroller/car seat system there as well and was particularly impressed because it was one of the only places where you could purchase them separately, rather than as a "system."

Their first screw up came a month ago when I realized that my stroller was still listed as not purchased, even though my grandmother had already bought it. To confirm, I called my mom who said, yes, they even took my registry to checkout when they picked it up.

As one might imagine, this mishap led to the purchase of two strollers. I hate to even think of offending someone by having to return a generous gift. I rely on registries to give everyone an accurate list of what's already been purchased. That alone, however would not have been enough for me to stray from Burlington permanently.

What happened yesterday was. Having had two wonderful showers with many generous gifts I received only one duplicate: my stroller. My plan was to take it back to Burlington, return it, and purchase one of the other items from my registry there.

When I arrived in store (which my mom and I had to drive 45 minutes to get to) with my boxed up (never opened) stroller, I was greeted with a shocking answer: no receipt, no return.

Now, obviously that policy is totally understandable under normal circumstances. But isn't that the point of a registry? I tried to explain my case, pointing out that it was the exact stroller I had registered for, my registry clearly indicated I had received two of them, and best of all: I wanted to use the return to buy more things from the Baby Depot.

No. Without a receipt all they could do was allow me to exchange it for another model of the same brand and price. 

So thank you, Burlington. We will return soon with a receipt for said stroller, and we will return it and receive back every penny paid for it, which we will not be spending in your store. I will also be warning my expectant friends of your idiotic policy and useless registry.

Also, just for comparison purposes for those of you who've never dealt with registries: Babies R Us allows returns with a receipt OR a registry, and generally gives no grief about returning items for store credit when you have neither.


  1. Wow, thanks for the heads up! That is crazy! I didn't register there but I did shop there so now I know better. BRU states that they won't allow returns without a receipt but, as you said, they actually took a lot of my stuff back after my shower even though I didn't have receipts. They credited it to a gift card which worked out great so I could get some of the stuff we still needed.


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